The Brittney Griner Verdict

The Brittney Griner case is an interesting one, generating discussion across a number of segments of the media. Here are three reflections:

  1. Brittney Griner’s advocates point out that if it was a male NBA superstar such as LeBron James imprisoned, the case would be receiving far more attention. This is certainly true but on the other hand, if it was 99+% of the American population, it would receive less. Brittney Griner’s life isn’t worth less than that of a more famous person, but nor is it worth more than that of a plumber, teacher, or dentist.
  2. If I was an athlete thinking of going into business in a country with a brutal authoritarian regime, this case would make me reconsider. This applies not only to Russia, but also to cases like the Saudi-backed LIV tour or the Chinese basketball league. The money may be good, but without any rule of law, it’s too easy to become a political pawn.
  3. For those coming to this story from the basketball side of things, it’s easy to reduce it to the fate of one person, particularly for those who personally know Brittney Griner. Certainly, the US government should try to bring her home, but the issue is caught up in the larger Russia-US relationship, and by extension, the war in Ukraine. There are limits to what the US can trade in this situation; tens of thousands of lives have already been lost in Ukraine and many more are at risk. I don’t know what Russia’s demands are, but certainly anything related to US military aid would be off-limits.

By paulewenstein

Professor of International Relations at Boston University and Wentworth Institute of Technology.

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